
  • Our Berry Good Sauce - 250ml

    Our Berry Good Sauce - 250ml

    This is a great berry dessert sauce. This berry mixture is made up of 4 berries , raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and blackcurrants. It can be used as a topping on fresh berries, ice-cream or…

    $9.00 $7.50

  • Black Currant syrup -250ml

    Black Currant syrup -250ml

    Black currant syrup is delicious. Can be uised as a topping for desserts or by adding frozen portions and blending with milk, yoghurt or fruit juice you can make an amzing smoothie.



  • Strawberry Chilli Sauce - 330ml

    Strawberry Chilli Sauce - 330ml

    Another gold prize winner. Chillies and strawberries in a sauce who would want that. But once you try it it seems perfect. Use anywhere you would like a spicy sauce.


  • Worcestershire Sauce

    Worcestershire Sauce

    This is a full flavoured savoury Tasmanian recipe for worcestershire sauce. Much much much thicker than other brands based on anchovies. Lots more plums in our recipe than traditionally used in Tasma…



  • Fiery Red - 330ml

    Fiery Red - 330ml

    The main ingredients are red currants, onions, garlic and chillies to make a hot spicy sauce. Probably our hottest sauce. Great as a flavour enhancer with meat dishes or stirred fries.



  • worcestershire sauce - 1 litre

    worcestershire sauce - 1 litre

    1 litre of our famous worcestershire sauce conveniently packed in a 1 litre container.




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